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NetWorx 5.02. |
Автор Administrator | |
13.10.2009 г. | |
NetWorx - бесплатная утилита для учета интернет-трафика и мониторинга скорости Интернета на вашем компьютере. Программа работает с любым кабельным или беспроводным подключением, а также модемом, предоставляя удобную статистику, отчеты и графики. Вы сможете измерить реальную скорость и загрузку вашего интернет-подключения, просматривать ежедневные, недельные и месячные отчеты и получать уведомления о перерасходе трафика. Интересным применением NetWorx можно назвать и контроль за сетевой активностью ПК. Если объём трафика вдруг возрос - скорее всего, в системе поселился вирус или троян. Возможности программы:
* Clear graphic and/or numeric display * Usage reports with export to a variety of file formats, including Excel, MS Word and HTML * Permits close supervision of uploads and downloads * Works with dial-up, ISDN, cable modems, ADSL, Ethernet cards, and more * Includes network information & testing tools with advanced netstat that displays applications using your Internet connection * Scalable to your own modem download capabilities * Option to notify user or disconnect from the Internet automatically when network activity exceeds a certain level * Speed meter to accurately time downloads and report the average transfer rates * Dial-up session journal with detailed information about every session * Absolutely free and does not contain any adware/spyware/malware * Find out and monitor how fast your Internet connection is * Find out and monitor how much Internet traffic you consume * Verify whether your ISP charges your Internet usage fairly * Detect a suspicious network activity on your computer * Perform simple network tests such as ping and trace route * Be notified about excessive Internet usage
Что нового в версии 5.0.2:
* Fixed desk band not picked colour settings after a shell restart. * Fixed incorrect traffic accounting on Windows 7 when the Ignore LAN option was turned on. * Fixed launching more than one NetWorx instance in Fast User Switching environment. * Netstat now saves its settings between sessions. * Netstat made IPv6 aware (shows IPv6 connections and listening ports). * Added hints to on/off peak hour display to make it easier to use. * Added ability to travel along the graph up to 1 hour back using the arrow keys. * Added password protection feature. Allows to password-protect access to the settings, resetting usage data and quitting the application. * Added Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Spanish languages.
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